Fact vs fiction: Aging in sci-fi and fantasy

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Melisandre — (Game of Thrones) — 400(ish) years old

Melisandre seems to be something of a divisive, and at times confusing, character in the Game
of Thrones universe. When she removed her necklace in the first episode of season 6, we were all startled by the revelation that Meilsandre was much older than she looked. The best source puts her age at around 400.

Clearly, the necklace acts in some way to disguise her true appearance. With Melisandre’s age,
things move into the entirely fictional here in terms of human life. However, the desire to present younger than one’s true years is very common. Some people, understandably, feel very anxious about growing old. Other people profit from this anxiety, which simply serves to deepen and prolong people’s fears.

People concerned by the idea of growing old should be helped and understood where possible. If the idea of growing old starts to interfere with their ability to live a normal life, therapy is certainly something they should consider.