Batman fans, are you ready for a new take on our favorite caped crusader? Ben Affleck hung up his cape and cowl early, but I’m really hoping this new version sticks. The Batman is officially in production.
Director Matt Reeves himself announced the news on Twitter:
#DayOne #TheBatman cc: @GreigfraserD
— Matt Reeves (@mattreevesLA) January 27, 2020
I wonder what the first scene shot was; perhaps a showdown between Colin Farrell’s Penguin and Robert Pattison’s Batman? What about Zoë Kravitz’s first scene as Catwoman, or Paul Dano’s as the Riddler? Or maybe it was Jeffrey Wright’s Commissioner Gordon flipping on the Bat-Signal? The cast is piled high with talent.
The film’s production is taking place in London, which makes me wonder what this version of Gotham City will look like. Will they be filming outside? Or will they be within the confines of the great Pinewood Studios?
Is this London or Gotham.....?
— Wade Gravett (@WadeGrav) January 6, 2020
Filming The Batman 🦇 outside my offices this morning! 👍 @empiremagazine
So Warner Bros. is rebooting Batman for the umpteenth time. Given how many times we’ve already seen Bruce Wayne’s parents die, I hope this new version skips that part. It’s getting harder and harder to have an original take on the guy, but then again, there are decades and decades of comics, so they should be able to find something. Also, the cast is stacked with talent — who better to play a gloomy superhero than the guy who played Edward Cullen? I think, maybe, just maybe, we might be in for the best version of the Batman story yet.
The Batman is due in theaters on June 25, 2021.
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h/t SYFY Wire