New Star Wars novel will explore Poe Dameron’s backstory

While The Rise of Skywalker may have answered some of fans’ biggest questions surrounding the most recent Star Wars trilogy, it raised a few new ones about fan-favorite character Poe Dameron. For example, just when did he become a spice runner, and what exactly is his history with Zorii Bliss?

Although Oscar Isaac is done with Star Wars for the time being, it looks like fans might be getting some insight into Poe’s past through a new YA novel about the character. According to PolygonStar Wars: Poe Dameron: Free Fall will follow a teenage Poe who runs away from home following his mother’s death. Penned by author and Archie Comics co-President Alex Segura, the book is set to hit shelves on August 4.

Polygon also released an official description of the novel:

"It’s been a few years since Poe’s mother, who was a pilot for the Rebellion, passed away, and Poe and his father have had more and more trouble connecting. Not sure what he wants to do with his life, teenage Poe runs away from home to find adventure, and to figure out what kind of man he is meant to be."

Star Wars: Poe Dameron: Free Fall will also explore Poe’s connection with Zorii Bliss, as well as give Star Wars fans a more in-depth look at Kijimi, Poe’s home planet that we visit in the most recent movie. As much as some fans would rather the book be about a Finn-and-Poe romance, it’ll be interesting to see what turned Poe into the Resistance pilot we meet in The Force Awakens — and of course, it’ll be great to get some answers regarding his somewhat vague backstory.

The only question that remains, then, is this: Will we see Babu Frik again in this new book? (Say yes. Please say yes.)

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