The Flash will bring “sci-fi weirdness” in a post-Crisis world


The Flash is back after a brief hiatus following the events of “Crisis on Infinite Earths.” We’ve seen how the Crisis has affected the rest of the Arrowverse, and now it’s time to head to Earth-Prime’s Central City.

As we’ve seen on other Arrowverse shows, things are very different. People who were once dead are back. People who were once villains are, well…sort of in a grey area; we refer you to the Alice-Beth conundrum on Batwoman.

With The Flash returning tonight, we’ll get to see how Barry Allen and the rest of Team Flash are dealing with the fallout. I’m just hoping to hear Barry talk about his encounter with DCEU’s version of the Flash. Still not over that Ezra Miller cameo!

Speaking to Entertainment Weekly, showrunner Eric Wallace gave fans some interesting tidbits about what to expect from The Flash in a post-Crisis world. “[I]t’s time to go to a thriller now, and there might even be a little sci-fi [weirdness] in there… because I watch too much Twin Peaks.”

But not full Twin Peaks, right?

Wallace also had some interesting comments about The Flash’s Rogue’s Gallery, which is one of my favorite parts about the comics:

"The past villains that we saw in previous seasons, they’re not the same villains anymore. They are different people. They might even have different abilities, which Team Flash is going to get caught unprepared. It gives a freshness to it and even more danger to what would be a meta-of-the-week kind of story line. It becomes even more treacherous if you don’t know what the meta is, because that meta is a little bit more unpredictable… We’re going to dig deep. You’re definitely going to get villains we have not seen in a long time popping up."

So, wait, does this mean Weather Wizard could have powers unrelated to…weather? Perhaps Mark Hamill will return as the Trickster, but maybe this time he’ll be…the Joker? I’m playing with some weird ideas here, but until I’m proven wrong, anything is on the table.

Oh, or what about Wentworth Miller returning as Captain Cold?! Yes, that would be amazing.

All this is good news, because let’s be honest: the show needed some sort of reboot/renovation. The Crisis might be just the ticket. Let’s see how tonight goes, shall we?

Next. “This is a ghost story”—Check out the teaser for Altered Carbon season 2!. dark

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h/t SYFY Wire