WiC Watches: Vikings season 6

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Vikings has returned for one last bloody voyage, as the series that began in 2013 and grew to be History’s most successful scripted show attempts to close out the saga of Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons. Season 5 wasn’t exactly the pinnacle of the series, but with one season to go, hopefully Bjorn, Lagertha, and yes, even Ivar, can right the ship before sailing over the horizon.

When last we saw everyone, Bjorn had just expelled Ivar from Kattegat and become king, and Ivar fled across the sea to continental Europe. Elsewhere, Floki was left despondent back in Iceland after discovering Christians had already visited his colony, and it appeared we’d seen the last of the England storyline, which set the stage for a more streamlined final year. Will that lead to a better season overall? Or will the series still suffer from the departure of Ragnar back in season 4? Let’s dive in and find out!