Twenty-five sci-fi and fantasy shows worth watching in 2020

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Images: The Mandalorain/Disney, WandaVision/Disney, Westworld/HBO, Outlander/Starz

With one month down in the new decade and plenty of new shows on the horizon, one thing has become clear about the times we’re living in: there’s never been more awesome stuff to watch…maybe ever.

The 2019 fall season managed to tow viewers along from HBO’s Watchmen to His Dark Materials, to Disney’s breakout The Mandalorian, and on through Amazon’s The Expanse and Netflix’s The Witcherit’s only natural to feel overwhelmed about what comes next. And given how crazy the war to “be the next Game of Thrones has become, it’s only a matter of time until more shows come along and steal our hearts.

It can be hard to keep everything straight, so let’s make things a little bit easier. Here are 25 fantasy and sci-fi shows coming this year that could be worth watching. Some are newcomers to the battlefield, others returning giants that strode alongside Game of Thrones in its twilight years.

Let’s start off with those that have already planted their flag in the soil. Into battle we go!