Netflix finally allows us to disable that irritating autoplay feature


At long last, Netflix has finally made a small but much-needed change to one of its most widely hated features. That’s right, the pesky preview autoplay feature on the homepage has become optional. And everyone is delighted.

The global streaming service might have over 150 million paying users and a 2020 budget surpassing $17 billion, but sometimes, that just means more people to tick off. And not being able to scroll through the front page without previews starting to play automatically has ticked off a lot of users, myself included.

Not only is the autoplay feature annoying when browsing movies and TV shows, it automatically plays the next episode of a show you’re watching, which can get on your nerves. Users have also gone after the feature for slowing down older devices that do not have the capability to browse and watch simultaneously.

Netflix themselves made the announcement while responding to an annoyed subscriber on Twitter:

According to the Netflix help center website, the best way to disable the autoplay feature once and for all is to open Netflix and select Manage Profiles, then choose the account you’d like to update. Finally, uncheck the button that says, “Autoplay previews while browsing on all devices.” After that, you’re good to go. Enjoy uninterrupted browsing! There’s also a new option to disable autoplay of the next episode if you’re not entirely into binge-watching.

When Netflix revealed that they have given users this option, folks on Twitter were ecstatic:

In the wake of this announcement, I’ve already gone and disabled all autoplay on my account and am already enjoying this new, less frantic lifestyle. It’s good to know that Netflix is actually listening to their paying subscribers.

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