Caitriona Balfe discusses getting sex scenes right on Outlander


Outlander is infamous for its passionate sex scenes, particularly between Jamie and Claire. But there is something unique about the love shared between these two that sets them apart from other television couples.

Caitriona Balfe, who plays Claire, spoke to Entertainment Weekly about how Outlander strives to balance the male and female perspective on sex. I think many of us will agree that sex scenes between Jamie and Claire are very much about making sure both parties are happy, pleasured and in agreement. (Aw, remember their wedding night?)

"I think a lot of typical sex scenes on TV were, very much, showing the female body and, generally, it’s through the pleasure of the man; the male experience and all of that. I think we do, rather than being solely a female gaze, what I think we do really beautifully is show a couple balanced and equally appreciating and enjoying each other, and we tell it from both perspectives. And I think that that’s what’s been unique about our show, is that we give equal time to each half of these couples. It’s important to show female pleasure, to show male pleasure, to show both."

It’s true that a lot of shows can become pretty one-sided when it comes to sex scenes, and Outlander should be applauded for trying to find more of a balance. Of course, that balance can be delicate, and it’s important that the scales don’t tip such that one sex is being objectified over the other. “I think as much as we can all agree that this objectification of women, typically by men, has not been the greatest thing for women, we have to be careful and not become the other and start objectifying men in a way that’s not appreciative and respectful,” Balfe said. “What we try and do is show passion between couples in a very honest and beautiful way that’s, hopefully, respectful to both the actors and characters.”

Doing this right takes dedication and craft, as Sam Heughan touched on while appearing on The IMDb Show. “The intimate scenes, obviously, are a challenge as well,” he said. “They just take a bit more time and a bit more concentration…everyday is a challenge.

"We have some amazing storylines this new season…I can’t give away too much but I think it’s gonna thrill the fans."

Outlander has thus far done a pretty good job of showing both sides of this coin. The camera always makes sure to capture both Claire and Jamie’s expressions during their steamier moments. They’re both enjoying the moment together, and and we never lose the sense of love and respect they have for each other.

Sigh, Jamie and Claire forever.

Next. WiC Watches: Outlander season 5. dark

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h/t Cinema BlendJust Jared