Doctor Who will leave the mystery of the Master’s return up to viewers

Doctor Who fans have been scratching their heads over one thing all season: How did the Master return? We last saw the Master in the form of Missy (Michelle Gomez) back in the season 10 finale, “The Doctor Falls.” A former version of herself, played by John Simm, removed her ability to regenerate, and she was apparently killed

So then how did Missy go onto become the Master we see now in season 12, played by Sacha Dhawan? Well, according to Dhawan and former Doctor Who showrunner Steven Moffat, those questions may never be answered.

Dhawan and Moffat both spoke to Essentially, they’re saying there’s a gap that Whovians can fill with whatever theories or thoughts they have. “I don’t necessarily want all the gaps to be plugged,” Moffat said. “Kids out there are making up their own stories about how Missy escaped that place and regenerated into Sacha. They’re doing their own version of it. And that’s much more exciting to me than actually filling all those gaps.”

I sort of love that thought process! We don’t get all the answers, but that doesn’t mean we’re dealing with a gaping plot hole or something the writers overlooked. Sometimes, things are better left mysterious.

Meanwhile, Dhawan pointed out that it’s not the first time the Master was able to escape death, even just in this season. “Like at the end of [Spyfall Part 2] you kind of think… Oh, the Master’s gone. But he always makes a surprise appearance. And I think the character will always do that in some form or other.”

This applies to a lot of Doctor Who villains. They often appear defeated, but they always find a way to come back.

“I think it is absolutely fine with the Master not to know,” Moffat continued. “I like that. Even with the Doctor there’s whole sections you don’t know about. I don’t necessarily want to know every detail. I thought the same with River Song. You don’t have to join everything up, you get glimpses. That’s so much more exciting.”

I am in 100% agreement with you there, Mr. Moffat. The gaps and mystery make Doctor Who fun, and prime for unexpected plot twists and surprises. You never know what you’ll get to see next, or what character from the past may pop up and surprise you. Take this season’s return of Captain Jack Harkness, for example.

Whether or not we learn the details about this incarnation of the Master, he seems to have gone over well with fans. “The response has been really good, and really overwhelming,” Dhawan told Digital Spy. “Hopefully, it’ll still continue like that.”

Does that mean he’s coming back for season 13? “Yeah, I’d love to [return]. I’m just waiting to be asked, to be honest. I think, for me, I wasn’t like, ‘Oh, I hope this is a regular thing!’

The Doctor Who season 12 finale is coming up, and I can’t wait to see what goes down!

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