14. Crossroads of Twilight, Book 10 of The Wheel of Time
No one wants to choose their least favorite book in a series, but it’s almost universally agreed among the fandom that this book belongs at the bottom of the pile. As the series nears its end, readers were expecting real progress instead of the lengthy subplot developments we get here.
The biggest problem with Crossroads is that it brings the events after Winter’s Heart to a standstill and comes off as padding for the sake of padding. The book is a long read, but doesn’t progress the main story in a meaningful way, except to set up the next book in line. Book 10 can feel a bit like a hurdle to climb over in able to move on with the series.
At times it can be frustrating, but there are several bright moments along the way that make the next installment look promising, especially for Egwene and Rand. However, the side plots involving Perrin and Mat barely develop at all. This particular book may feel like a speed bump in the road, but as the series goes on it becomes clear Crossroads was meant to set pieces in motion.