Damon Lindelof wants to work in the Star Wars and Marvel Universes

Damon Lindelof is a curiously polarizing figure when it comes to entertainment. There are still people who feel burned by the end of LOST all these years later, but The Leftovers is heralded as a modern classic. Prometheus and Star Trek Into Darkness are…okay continuations of their respective franchises, and his reimagining of Alan Moore’s Watchmen earned him some accolades last year.

So what’s next for Lindelof? Well, for starters, he confirmed for the fortieth time that he’s probably not gonna do more Watchmen. “I don’t feel like I could satisfactorily continue that story by myself,” he told Fandom. “But I would love to see someone else do it.” Fine, Lindelof, be like that.

Beyond that, he was setting his sights on some interesting properties. “I think that doing something in the Marvel universe, anywhere in the Marvel Universe, would be really potentially exciting for me, especially as they start to get a little bit more experimental,” he said. “Some of the things that I’ve seen for WandaVision, for example, just feel like, ‘Okay, now we’re getting somewhere.’”

"And, at some point, but certainly not in the immediate future, I feel like I would love to do something in the Star Wars universe. Maybe a decade from now when I would no longer be blamed for ruining it. That would be a hoot."

I completely agree that WandaVision looks like a weird-ass good time. I can’t wait to see that later this year…assuming the Coronavirus-mandated halt to production doesn’t push the release date into 2021.

As for Star Wars, you’ve gotta love how up front Lindelof is about how he only wants to do it “when I would no longer be blamed for ruining it.” Someone’s been paying attention to Twitter.

I guess having Lindelof take a swing at these franchises wouldn’t be the worst thing, although I’m all for getting some new blood in there. Or maybe just coming up with all-new ideas?

No, that’s ridiculous.

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