Westworld: Who is in Charlotte Hale’s host body?

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Photo Credit: Westworld/HBO Image Acquired from HBO Media Relations

Host-Charlotte is Teddy Flood

Has anyone had a sadder story on the show than Teddy? He was a mild-mannered host programmed to be the embodiment of frontier decency, but Dolores reprogrammed him to be a murder machine during her Westworld revolution. That didn’t take, he shot himself, and at the end of season 2 Dolores seemed to take pity on him and upload him into the Sublime, a kind of paradise for hosts. Are his troubles over?

Hopefully, but Dolores has never been one to pass up an opportunity. She may have made a copy of Teddy and uploaded him into Host-Charlotte’s body. It would be cruel, but Teddy was always devoted to Dolores — it would make sense for Dolores to tell him that he was the only one she trusted. And Host-Charlotte is clearly struggling with their new identity, and takes comfort in a cuddle-session with Dolores partway through the episode. Those are all things a softy like Teddy would do.

There’s even some support for this theory in the trailers. In one preview of season 3, we see an interaction between Maeve (Thandie Newton) and Host-Charlotte. “Who did she put inside you?” Maeve asks. “Is that you in there, Teddy?” And then it cuts to a shot from “An Absence of Field” of Dolores and Host-Charlotte spooning.

So this is the most obvious answer…which probably means it’s wrong. Westworld is trying to lead me here so I immediately mistrust it.