Westworld: Who is in Charlotte Hale’s host body?

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"Who Charlotte Hale really is! from westworld"

Host-Charlotte is Peter Abernathy

Here’s a creepy theory: Host-Charlotte is actually Peter Abernathy, Dolores’ host dad. Dolores mercy-killed him in season 2, but again, death for a host isn’t as permanent as death for a human being.

Dolores would certainly trust her host-dad, but would he crave a mid-afternoon spooning session? I hope not? I’m gonna guess this probably isn’t the answer.

Image: HBO/Westworld

Host-Charlotte is a host version of William, aka the Man In Black

So who else is on the short list of people Dolores might trust? Well, there’s William, played as a young man by Jimmi Simpson and an older one by Ed Harris. William fell in love with Dolores when he first visited the park decades back, and very nearly grew obsessed. The park records the data of everyone who enters it, and Williams hung out there a lot. Perhaps Dolores could use that data to create a pearl for young William, one who would still do anything for her?

Jimmi Simpson In Westworld Season 1 [Credit: HBO]Then again, while Dolores found a machine left to her by Dr. Robert Ford (Anthony Hopkins) capable of printing new hosts, I don’t know if she has the ability to make new pearls. This one’s up in the air.

""You belong to me. You know that, right?" from westworld"

Host-Charlotte is another version of Dolores

Here’s an interesting one. We’ve heard a lot lately about Dolores putting checks on herself. For example, Bernard thinks she printed him a new body because he knows he’ll try and stop her from eradicating the human race — on some level, he believes, she fears she may go too far in her crusade against humanity, and wants someone to stop her if need be. And Dolores does seem a little less gung-ho about killing all humans these days, even making friends with a down-on-his-luck construction worker named Caleb (Aaron Paul).

Could it be that she transferred some of her violent “Wyatt” persona into Host-Charlotte? That might account for Host-Charlotte getting her rage on partway through the episode and strangling a child predator to death in broad daylight as he sits on a bench in a park and then stealing his dog.

Or that could just be the only mama bear Charlotte reasserting herself, since the predator was hanging out with Charlotte’s son. Really, there are no clear answers here, only tantalizing theories that make your brain hurt.

Welcome to Westworld, right? What do you thing is going on?

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