WiC Watches: Outlander season 5

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Outlander Season 5 — Courtesy of STARZ

Episode 511: “Journeycake”

My fellow Sassanechs and Outlander fans, there is so much to talk about after this week’s episode, “Journeycake.” First off, it’s the penultimate episode of season 5, which means in just one week we will commence quite possibly the longest Droughtlander yet. But let’s not think about that.

The entire season has been building up to the moment when Brianna and Roger decide to go back to their time. The only issue is not knowing whether or not Jemmy would be able to travel through the stones. As it ends up, he is!

While playing with Ian’s opal stone, Jemmy complains that it’s really hot. To the average person, that would appear very odd, and Ian has no qualms about saying so. Want to take it down a notch, buddy? But something stranger is afoot. You see, whenever Ian or Jamie hold that same stone, it’s cold to the touch. But when Claire, Roger or Brianna do, it’s warm. Not to mention, those three hear a buzzing noise. Yes, that buzzing noise.

Guess who else hears it? JEMMY.

So Jemmy can officially time-travel. With that resolved, it’s settled: Brianna and Roger are going back to the future. I know this moment was a long time coming, and I felt a very odd sense of sadness. I almost don’t want them to leave because I love the family dynamic of it all, especially this season.

Sigh, I’m sad to see it coming to an end; I’m not ready for it.

After the odd “hot opal stone” situation, Ian naturally has some questions. I think there’s a part of him that knew something strange was up with Claire, Roger and Brianna. After all, Claire randomly comes back after 20 years, and then Brianna and Roger popped up out of nowhere.

Ian has sort of put all of this together in his own way, especially because of Otter Tooth, whose journal he’s been carrying around. Jamie proceeds to read the journal and it suddenly dawns on me that Otter Tooth might be someone we’ve sort of seen already. Remember that human skull that Claire found in season 4? The one she discovered had dental fillings? Well, it would appear that whoever that skull belonged to was from the future. And now, looking at this journal, we can all assume it was this guy. Plus, Claire points out that the journal entries are written with a ballpoint pen.

Curiouser and curiouser.

But with all that, Claire and Jamie finally share their family secret with Ian. It’s about time, I say.

Roger and Brianna make the decision to go back to their time within the month, which means saying goodbye to not only their family but their community. Since leaving without a heads up is not an option, their plan is to tell everyone that they are moving to Boston. It’s far enough to keep the ruse going, and it won’t make anyone suspicious.

But if I was Fergus or Marsali, I’d definitely think something was up. Also, did Marsali subtly mention she’s pregnant again? How long was this time jump?! There was one, right?

Meanwhile, we catch up with Ulysses. If you recall, he left River Run behind after having to murder Forbes, who was trying to kill Jocasta. Claire and Jamie learn that Ulysses has been a free man this entire time, according to papers that Jocasta signed after Hector Cameron’s death.

However, Ulysses was so loyal to her that he stayed back. Talk about a good guy! In any case, he’s in a pickle now because despite being a free man who saved his mistress in self-defense, he won’t be pardoned so easily.

There’s really only one solution here, which conveniently presents itself in the form of Lord John Grey, who is heading back to England. Lord Dunsany has passed away, so there is the matter of the estate to contend with, especially given it involves Jamie’s son William.

Side note: Is there a chance that we’ll see an adult version of William in later seasons? Please? I have to see what he actually looks like now.

Anyway, Lord John Grey is going to take Ulysses with him, so problem solved! Oh, how I adore John — he’s the sweetest guy around. Here’s hoping this isn’t the last time we see him.

We finally arrive at the day Roger, Bree and Jemmy are heading to the stones, and it feels so strange. The night before, they have a family dinner and the sadness is palpable. But there is a sense of joy and comfort in knowing that these guys will be able to live their lives together as a family in the way they feel is best for them.

However, when they arrive at the stones the next day, something feels off. For a moment, I thought Ian might try to travel with them (he has asked Claire if she could take him through earlier in the episode), but that doesn’t happen. Bree, Roger and Jemmy are bound by a rope and each holding a stone. They walk through the stones…and disappear.

I love how Outlander never actually shows what happens when they walk through the stones. We just see the aftermath of when they either disappear or arrive on the other side. And sure, we do see the MacKenzie makes it to the other side, but based on Roger and Brianna’s reaction, I don’t think they’re where they thought they were going to be.

Are they in a different time? Did they end up not time-traveling at all, and just ended up traveling to Craigh Na Dun instead? I have so many questions, and with the season 5 finale next week, I’m demanding some answers.

The episode ends on a frightening note. If you recall, earlier in the season, Claire’s medical advice column (written under the name Dr. Rawlings) became a go-to for the women and men of Fraser’s Ridge. One particular woman, Rose, wife of Lionel Brown, comes in with a broken wrist, courtesy of her abusive husband who hit her when she said no to having sex with him.

Rose doesn’t want to have a baby, and read about this century’s version of birth control through Dr. Rawlings column. Unfortunately for Rose and Claire, Lionel spots the Rawlings name on Claire’s medical case, putting two and two together.

So what happens next is all because of Lionel and his rage. The men of Fraser’s Ridge are lured away by an explosion that goes off in the distance at the still. While the men go to check on it, Claire stays back with Marsali to tend to a patient. Just as the men have gone a decent distance, Lionel and his men show up and beat up Marsali and abduct Claire. Luckily, moments before, Marsali had told Germain to hide, but after she is knocked unconscious and Claire is taken, Germain comes out of his hiding place.

When Fergus, Jamie, and the other men return, Germain says, “The bad man took Grandmama.” The anger, fear, and panic are clear on Jamie’s face as he realizes Claire is gone. I’m worried about what comes next, and I can’t believe we only have one episode left to wrap it all up!

One thing is clear–it is time for war. And while we thought that war was the American Revolution, it seems like Jamie has lit the fiery cross for the only reason that matters to him: Claire. And with him lighting that cross to gather his men, the war is on, and Lionel Brown better be ready.

Oh, and one more thing, did anyone else realize that this episode was as good as it was because Outlander author Diana Gabaldon wrote it?

It makes a difference.