10 chapters from the first Wheel of Time book fans can’t wait to see on TV

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“Chapter 5: Winternight”

In this chapter, the quiet village of Emond’s Field is faced with trouble like it’s never known. The peaceful lives the characters have lived up until now are shattered, preparing them for the long road ahead.

On the eve of Bel Tine, an annual festival celebrating the arrival of spring, the town is attacked by Trollocs, foul-faced bestial creatures led by the fearsome Myrddraal. No one knows why these monsters have come to a backwater like Emond’s Field, but they seem to target Rand al’Thor and his two friends, Matrim Cauthon and Perrin Aybara.

Rand al’Thor and his father, Tam al’Thor (played by Michael McElhatton, whom Game of Thrones fans will recognize as the actor who played Roose Bolton), return to their farmhouse after a day in the village, go about their chores and settle down for supper. As night falls, Trollocs burst through the front door. Tam begins fighting off the beasts with his sword and yells to Rand to escape out the back.

Slipping out a window while more Trollocs break down the back door, Rand escapes to the barn as Tam jumps out a window and leads the monsters away from his son. Rand then sneak into the woods where he and Tam are reunited, although Tam is injured and burning up with a fever.

Rand needs to get Tam to Nyneave, the town’s wisdom, if he wants his father to live. Taking Tam’s sword, Rand returns to the farmhouse and encounters another Trolloc named Narg. Frightened, Rand holds up the sword in defense. But the creature is wounded, and Rand eventually lowers the sword only to have the Trolloc lunge at him, and Rand manages to kill it in self-defense.

It’ll be thrilling to see the placid village of Emond’s Field plunged into chaos. While Rand and Tam deal with their situation, the village is under attack as well. The damage seems to be devastating, if photos from the set are any indication. If these scenes are editing together, it could make for a gripping episode.