Weird as it sounds, there was a time when Kit Harington’s head was one of the most-watched spaces on the internet. This was back in 2015 and 2016, after Game of Thrones had seen Jon Snow get stabbed to death in the season 5 finale and wondered if he was coming back. “He’s keeping his long hair,” we told ourselves. “That means he’s not really dead, right?” Meanwhile, Harington said he was just keeping it long because he liked it that way, if he said anything at all. The drama was real.
Then, when he really did shear his locks after the series was over, it felt like the end of an era:
Oh boy 😎❤
— JonDanyTarg (@JonDanyTarg) November 23, 2018
But that didn’t prepare us for this. Just the other day, Harington was spotted walking his dog, and the hair…the hair is gone:
‘Game of Thrones’ star Kit Harington shows off his new haircut in London
— Film Updates Back-Up (@TheFilmUpdates) June 15, 2020
Jon Snow had a widow’s peak; who knew?
Obviously Harington can get his haircut any way he wants to, and it’s just now occurring to me how hard it might be to maintain a long luxurious hairstyle with all the barbers closed during our the global coronavirus pandemic. But if you’re a Game of Thrones fan and you look at Harington’s buzzcut and suddenly feel a small hole open up inside yourself, you’re not alone.
ANYWAY, just so we don’t end this on a downer, there’s some happier Game of Thrones news to share today. Several cast members — Daniel Portman (Podrick Payne), Natalia Tena (Osha), Gemma Whelan (Yara Greyjoy), Ron Donachie (Ser Rodrick Cassel), Vladimir Furdik (the Night King) and Ross Mullan (multiple White Walkers) — will be participating in this year’s virtual Wizard World convention. Their panel runs tomorrow at 12 noon CST!
Live chats, Recorded Messages and Autographs w/ Daniel Portman @NatTenaLady @WhelanGemma Ron Donachie @VladimirFurdik and @rossmullan are still available for purchase!
— FAN EXPO HQ (@FANEXPOHQ) June 15, 2020
🎟️ June 16 2020 #WizardWorld #GOTVirtualExperiences #GameofThrones
And finally, here are British people John Bradley (Sam Tarly) and Nathalie Emmaneul (Missandei) getting steamed about the proper way to make tea:
John.... I had a whole conversation about this yesterday.... 😭😭😭😭😭 First of all... this person is doing this for likes... she is spreading harmful videos.... for likes..... I mean..... I’m not sure why she hates tea.... and people for that matter but... I.... just. Can’t. 😭
— Nathalie Emmanuel (@missnemmanuel) June 9, 2020
Never presume to tell a British person how best to make tea. They will always know more than you.
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