The 20 best Star Wars characters who’ve never appeared on the big screen

Image: The Mandalorian/Disney+
Image: The Mandalorian/Disney+ /
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10. Darth Traya

Before becoming the master of Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus, Darth Traya was a Jedi Master himself. Known as Kreia back then, she was unconventional in that she routinely questioned the teachings of the Force.

Kreia was cast out of the Jedi Order for her beliefs and for her hand in teaching the Jedi Knight Revan lessons the Order believed influenced him to defy their commands. And so began her journey to the Dark Side of the Force.

After traveling the galaxy and finding herself on Malachor V, Kreia shed her old name and became Darth Traya. She became the head of the Trayus Academy, where she trained Sith Assassins. While teaching a new generation of Sith, Traya took two apprentices: Darth Sion and Darth Nihilus. Together, the three of them formed the Sith Triumvirate, and Darth Traya gave herself another name: Lord of Betrayal.

Together, these three began the Jedi Civil War. Ironically, Darth Traya was eventually betrayed herself; her apprentices stripped her of her ability to connect with the Force and she was cast out by the Sith.

But Traya’s story did not end there. Effectively an exile of both the Light and Dark sides of the Force now, she returned to her former name, Kreia, and took on a new mission: to extinguish the Force completely, both the light and the dark.

Ultimately, Kreia/Traya did not accomplish her goal, and died in the attempt. Her story, together with the stories of her apprentices, makes for a riveting tale, and would look unbelievable on a 45-65 foot screen.

It’s time to hit fast-forward on the Star Wars timeline and look at a character who, unfortunately, will never appear on the big screen. Say hello to Luke Skywalker’s wife!