The 20 best Star Wars characters who’ve never appeared on the big screen

Image: The Mandalorian/Disney+
Image: The Mandalorian/Disney+ /
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14. Darth Bane

If it wasn’t for Darth Bane, the Sith would more than likely have wiped each other out by the time Anakin Skywalker came into the picture, so famous were they for infighting. Darth Bane saw this and decided to do something about it: he created the Rule of Two.

The rule itself is fairly simple. To quote Darth Bane himself:

"Two there should be; no more, no less. One to embody power, the other to crave it."

Under this rule, the Sith stabilized and actually grew more powerful over the succeeding generations, as in order to become the new Master the Appreciate had to become more powerful than the Sith who taught them, who had to become powerful than the Sith who taught them, and on and on.

As is the way with Sith, the Apprentice only took the top job when they killed their Master. They’re a violent folk, Sith, but at least with the Rule of Two, that violence was kept carefully managed. Then the two Master would take on an apprentice of their own, and the cycle would repeat itself.

The Rule of Two had another advantage: it allowed the Sith to remain secret from the Jedi. It lasted for thousands of years, during which the Sith laid their complex plans.

A lot of fans are aware of the Rule of Two, but fewer know its origin. Darth Bane deserves to be on the big screen on account of how important he is to the mythology.

Darth Bane has been a part of Star Wars stories for a long time. This next character, however, is fairly new: