The 20 best Star Wars characters who’ve never appeared on the big screen

Image: The Mandalorian/Disney+
Image: The Mandalorian/Disney+ /
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17. Scourge

Like Darth Bane, Scourge is an immortal Sith warrior, but their stories are very different. Darth Bane’s story is soaked in war, while Lord Scourge’s is more of a political drama.

Scourge was introduced in the book Star Wars: The Old Republic: Revan. He served as a Sith Lord in the reconstituted Sith Empire, which was in hiding from the Jedi on the planet of Dromund Kaas.

Recalled to the capital of Dromund Kaas, Scourge enters the service of a member of the Dark Council, the political leaders of the Sith Empire, all of whom are out to get each other in order to grow their own power. Different members try to influence Scourge to benefit themselves, and Scourge is unsure how to handle all of these powerful people trying to lean on him. And none were more powerful than Vitiate, the Sith Emperor and father to the Eternal Twins.

Scourge witnesses Vitiate’s immense power and is privy to his vision for extinguishing all life in the galaxy. He eventually comes into contact with the Jedi Knight Revan, and decides to team up with the Jedi to bring Vitiate down.

That’s right, we have a Sith/Jedi team up! That’s how bad Vitiate was.

Unfortunately for Revan, who had been educating Scourge in the ways of the Jedi, Scourge had a vision of what would happen when they attacked Vitiate: he sees his own death and the mission being a failure. Therefore, in the final moments of the mission, Scourge betrays Revan in the hopes of changing this future.

Vitiate saw this as an act of loyalty and made Scourge the Emperor’s Wrath: essentially, he became Vitiate’s personal enforcer. Scourge held this position for hundreds of years, all the while secreting working to overthrow Vitiate, which he eventually did.

Scourge’s story has something for everyone: Friendship, betrayal, action, drama, politics, lightsabers…It has the makings of a great movie.