Here’s how Hagrid could show up in the Fantastic Beasts movies

The Fantastic Beasts movies feature a younger version of Dumbledore, but could other Harry Potter characters turn up? We hope yes, and here’s how:

The Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movies may be a part of the Harry Potter universe, but they also stand by themselves as a franchise all their own. Set decades before the Harry Potter story proper, the Fantastic Beasts movies tell the story of what the wizarding world was like in the time between World Wars I and II. We’re two movies in with another three purportedly to go, so there’s always the chance the timeline could advance further, especially if they’re going to climax with the 1945 duel between Dumbledore and Grindelwald.

As you can tell, the movies feature a younger version of Professor Albus Dumbledore, now played by Jude Law, but Potterheads can’t help but wonder: will we ever see any other characters turn up? What about Hagrid, for instance?

Speaking with Movie Dweeb, Dan Fogler (who plays the Muggle Jacob Kowalski) toyed with our emotions when asked about that very possibility. “There could be that Hagrid crossover, which would be very interesting,” he said. “Is that what people are saying? I didn’t know that.”

Well, we’re certainly saying it now.

As someone with giant’s blood in his veins, Hagrid is pretty long-lived, so it’s possible he could have been around during this time period. Fogler even has a pretty solid game plan for how Hagrid could be worked into the story:

"[Hagrid’s mother] is there, and she comes to Newt [Scamander] and she’s like, ‘I have my baby boy, can you take care of him?’ And Newt is like, ‘Well, I’m a little busy.’ And there’s me, ‘Alright, I’ll take care of this giant kid. I thought that would be a fun connection there."

Jacob babysitting a giant baby Hagrid is everything I could ever want.

And why stop at Hagrid? Let’s rope in Lily and James Potter while we’re at it. Maybe even bring back good ‘ol Sirius Black! Throw in some Time-Turners and virtually anyone could show up. The possibilities are endless!

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them 3, which will surely get a subtitle at some point, is currently scheduled to release on November 12, 2021.

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h/t Cinemablend