The Boys finale had plenty of action and tension, but surprisingly few characters died. And apparently that number is even smaller than fans thought:
The second season of The Boys aired its action-packed finale just this past Friday, and while the stakes were high, everything ended pretty neatly, with characters more or less resuming the status quo and not many character deaths.
And now, showrunner Eric Kripke has confirmed that there were even fewer deaths than fans thought. Go no further if you want to avoid SPOILERS.
The villain of season 2 — apart from the vile Homelander, who looks like he’s in this for the long haul — was Stormfront (Aya Cash), a literal Nazi who adopts a new identity as a social media-savvy millennial; since she’s a superhero, she ages very slowly. Over the course of the season, she slowly corrupted Homelander (I mean, even more than he already was) and brought him over to her white supremacist way of thinking. Happily, she was dispatched in the end, when Homelander’s son Ryan blasted her with his laser eyes to keep her from killing his mom.
The blast does a number on her. Her scalp is burned away, she’s missing an eye, and all but one of her limbs are gone.
However, superheroes don’t die easy, and even though she’s clearly out of it, Stormfront does seem alive in these moments, absentmindedly speaking in German. Later, during a press conference, Homelander says she’s being held somewhere, but we didn’t know if that was true or just part of the public relations damage control Vought was doing after everyone learned it hired a Nazi superhero. Oops.
Well, now we know that she did indeed survive her encounter with Ryan. “Stormfront is not at all dead,” Kripke said on Twitter. “Homelander said she’s being held at an undisclosed location. We never saw her die.”
"Our little Nazi-Stumpfront is still alive. And for someone who dreamt of a master race that she’s gonna be like mutilated for a very long time, because she ages slow, felt like the right punishment for our stumpy little Nazi."
“Stumpfront” is a great nickname. Having watched the show, I am not at all surprised that Kripke seems to have a twisted sense of humor.
Q: @TheBoysTV @therealKripke is stormfront really, REALLY dead? #AskTheBoys
— Eric Kripke (@therealKripke) October 12, 2020
- @okupagustin
But will Stormfront be back on the show in season 3 or beyond? That’s harder to know. I could completely see her getting cyborg limbs or something and being even more dangerous, which is something no one needs.
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