Earthsea and 9 more epic sci-fi and fantasy series to read in lockdown

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There are a lot of great book series out there to help scratch that itch for amazing science fiction and fantasy. Here are 10 of our favorites!

Few things seems certain in this long, strange year we’re living. As we near the last few months of a year marked by coronavirus outbreaks and correlating lockdowns, the demand for new ways of keeping ourselves occupied continues to rise.

And we have options. There are plenty of good TV shows on the horizon, for instance, like The MandalorianHis Dark Materials and The Expanse. On the other hand, the movie industry is all but at a stand-still, and since TV studios have had to change the way they work, we’ll probably get new TV at a slower rate going forward.

What then, is a lover of sci-fi and fantasy to do?

Books, of course. The answer is always books. A while back we pulled together a list of 10 epic sci-fi and fantasy book series to get you through the lockdown siege…but that was months ago, and it’s not over. Luckily, there are a lot of book series out there to help you scratch that itch for amazing science fiction and fantasy. Here are 10 more, to stave off boredom by transporting you into fantastical worlds and distant galaxies.