A round of applause for Avatar 2’s certified badass, Sigourney Weaver, who held her breath for six minutes AND tied weights to herself underwater.
Sigourney Weaver already has an amazing reputation, but after hearing about how she did her own underwater stunts on Avatar 2, I think her coolness factor just went up about a million points. Despite being 70 years old, Weaver insisted that she would not let her age stop her from doing what she needed to do for the movie.
“My hope is that what I receive from the universe is even more outrageous than anything I can think of,” she told The New York Times. “I don’t really say to myself, ‘Well, you can’t do this.’ Or, ‘You can’t do that.’ Let me at it! And we’ll see. I had some concerns. But that’s what the training was for. And I really wanted to do it. I didn’t want anyone to think, ‘Oh, she’s old, she can’t do this.’”
And if you’re thinking that these were low-impact stunts that didn’t require much effort, you’ll be shocked to hear that Weaver had to hold her breath underwater for a total of six minutes, and tied weights to herself to hold her down. Uhh, say what?!
— Avatar (@officialavatar) September 10, 2020
Along with her castmates, Weaver had to teach herself not to squint underwater or shut her mouth tightly. When she had the weights tied around her waist, professional divers would check in at different intervals to ensure that she could come up to take a breath. I can barely hold my breath for a minute above water, and here’s Sigourney Weaver is killing it at 70! #Goals
Of course, I’m just as curious as the rest of you as to how exactly Weaver’s character, Dr. Grace Augustine, will make a comeback in the Avatar sequel. (SPOILERS incoming) Didn’t she die in the first movie? Curiouser and curiouser.
Don’t worry, we’ll find out all we need to know when Avatar 2 releases in theaters in December of 2022.
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h/t Indie Wire