It’s official: the Nilfgaardian soldiers no longer look like they’re wearing crinkly trash bags into battle. Get a sneak peak of The Witcher season 2.
The first season of The Witcher, Netflix’s adaptation of Andrzej Sapkowski’s fantasy novels, was a hit, but people had some issues. The way is plays with timelines still bugs me, for instance. But certainly the funniest complaint was about the armor worn by members of the invading Nilfgaardian army:
Image: The Witcher/Netflix
It kind of looks like they’re going into battle garbed in crinkly trash bags, no? I’ve also heard the armor compared to shriveled testicles. However you slice it, it looks dumb. I mean, what armorer goes to the trouble of pounding out little creases like that?
Happily, it looks like Netflix has heard the complaints and is adjusting course. The second season of the show is filming now, and Redanian Intelligence has a behind-the-scenes pic:
Photo: Terry Blackburn,
— Crown_For_A_King (@Crown_ForAKing) October 29, 2020
That would be Nilfgaardian soldier Cahir (Eamon Farren), decked out in a new set of armor that looks way less like he just took his spooky pajamas out of the wash and put them on without popping them in the dryer. It’s an improvement.
Behind him is the sorceress Fringilla Vigo (Mimi Ndiweni), who’s working with the Nilfgaardian army. She also has a great-looking new costume, although her old one wasn’t so desperately in need of alteration.
The first season ended with Yennefer (Anya Chalotra) and other sorcerers repelling a Nilfgaardian invasion of the Northern Kingdoms. It looks like the second season will pick up from there, with Yennefer having seen better days.
As for when that will happen, I’m hoping for a 2021 release date.
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