10 things His Dark Materials season 2 needs to get right

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Image: His Dark Materials/HBO

Lyra and Will’s Relationship

One of the highlights of season 2 is bound to be Lyra and Will coming together, something that will be important for both of their characters and the overall plot. The two spent season 1 living in different worlds, but their narratives are about to collide with one another, and the trailer isn’t shy about letting us know that.

The relationship between Lyra and Will is one of the most compelling aspects of The Subtle Knife, so series will absolutely need to get right if it wants to successfully adapt the book. With Dafne Keen and Amir Wilson playing the characters, there’s probably nothing to worry about — if anything, their acting talents are likely to make the nuanced friendship between Lyra and Will that much more interesting to watch.

Although most people in Lyra’s life fail to successfully check her, Will isn’t afraid to stand up to her — something that’s refreshing to see as the two get to know one another. Even when they’re arguing, however, it’s clear Lyra and Will understand each other better than anyone either of them has come across in a long time. Will says as much toward the end of The Subtle Knife. 

Lyra could use a close friend after what happened to Roger, so hopefully, these two will push each other to grow as much in the HBO series as they do in the novels.

Also, it’ll be very fun to see Will introduce Lyra to the strange world of Coca Cola and breakfast omelets. Speaking of…