Ricky Whittle on what Shadow is up to going into American Gods season 3

American Gods season 3 episode 2 / STARZ Entertainment, LLC
American Gods season 3 episode 2 / STARZ Entertainment, LLC /

After a long wait, American Gods season 3 is almost here, and Shadow is going on a whole new journey! Here’s what Ricky Whittle had to say about it:

Welcome, one and all! Get your coin tricks ready because we’re here to talk about season 3 of American Gods, airing early next year on Starz.

For those of you who haven’t read the book by Neil Gaiman, the TV show has made a ton of changes. For example, in the book, main character Shadow Moon (Ricky Whittle) never directly interacts with characters like Bilquis or the djinn, and Mad Sweeney’s death happens under completely different circumstances.

The novel is wonderful, but it makes sense that the producers would change things when adapting it for TV, particularly when it comes to the hyper-imaginative sections that are easy to write but hard to film. Thus far, I think these changes have worked well, but we’ll soon see if the pattern continues.

Starz has uploaded a video where Whittle talks about Shadow’s mindset going into the third season. Check it out below!

"Season 3, Shadow is making a new life for himself. He has said goodbye to the world of gods and magic. He is escaping to this small town in the middle of Wisconsin, Lakeside. It’s almost too perfect. This season, he’s gonna constantly turn his back and push away from the world of other gods that keep trying to drag him back into this war. And it’s a war on two fronts, where you have the gods wanting him to join this war again, and you also have Shadow at war with himself. And that’s turning his back on his destiny. There’s only so long you can stave off the inevitable."

The part of the novel that takes place in Lakeside is absolutely one of my favorite plotlines, so I’m very excited to see how it plays out. Keep a lookout for a character named Hinzelmann!

Already, I can tell that the show has made some changes to this part of the story. In the book, Shadow travels to Lakeside under Mr. Wednesday’s direction, not of his own accord. Regardless, I think viewers are in for a good time and I can’t wait to meet the new characters in Lakeside!

Next. Neil Gaiman: American Gods season 3 gets “the story back on track”. dark

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h/t Bleeding Cool