The Mandalorian: 5 Easter Eggs you may have missed in “The Heiress”

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The newest episode of The Mandalorian gave us live-action versions of fan favorites from Star Wars: The Clone Wars, referenced creatures from the original trilogy and invented a few of its own.

We have a new episode of The Mandalorian to pick over! In “Chapter 11: The Heiress,” Din Djarin reunites the Frog Lady with her husband and meets other Mandalorians who want his help.

This episode was action-packed and filled with Easter eggs and references to other Star Wars shows and the wider lore. Did you happen to catch them in “The Heiress?”

Here are five things you may have missed during this week’s episode!

The Mon Calamari and Quarren

Mando, the Child, and the Frog Lady experience a rough landing on the port of Trask. However, before they even land, we see a familiar species inhabiting the port: the Mon Calamari. Like the Frog Lady, they are an amphibious humanoid species. It would make sense that they are living near a large body of water.

The Mon Calamari were introduced in Return of the Jedi with long-lived fan-favorite character Admiral Ackbar. We saw more Mon Calamari in Rogue One, when Admiral Raddus was introduced. A Star Wars fan can’t help but think “It’s a trap!” when seeing a Mon Calamari, thanks to Ackbar’s iconic line.

Speaking of traps, Mando encounters some Quarren who unsuccessfully try to steal the bounty hunter’s Beskar armor. The squid-like humanoid species was also introduced in Return of the Jedi. The Quarren and the Mon Calamari coexisted on their homeworld of Mon Cala for many generations, so it’s nice to see them still living with each other on Trask.