The Mandalorian: 5 Easter Eggs you may have missed in “The Heiress”

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The Death Watch

Mando gets upset and claims that Kryze isn’t a Mandalorian when she and her companions take off their helmets. Kryze tells Mando that he is “a child of the Watch.” She then goes on to explain that the Watch was “a cult of religious zealots that broke away from Mandalorian society.” Their goal was to “re-establish the ancient way.”

This sounds similar to the Death Watch that was introduced in Star Wars: The Clone Wars. They were a splinter group of Mandalorian’s led by Bo-Katan’s sister Satine Kryze, who was fed up with Mandalore’s pacifist culture and attempted to overthrow the government several times.

Eventually, the Death Watch merged with the Mandalore resistance, led by both Bo-Katan and her sister. While the Death Watch might have transformed into something else, it’s not impossible that a group of Mandalorians would carry on their ideals.

Maybe the Mandalorians on Nevarro held themselves to the Death Watch’s creed, and Mando grew up with the Watch’s beliefs. This could set up a change in faith for Mando later down the line. Maybe he’ll even start taking off his mask.