As C-3PO, Anthony Daniels has appeared in more Star Wars movies than anyone. And if he has his way, he’ll be in more yet.
Anthony Daniels has appeared in more Star Wars projects than anyone else. As C-3P0 , his journey started his journey way back in 1977 with A New Hope and continued right up through last year’s The Rise of Skywalker.
And might he appear again as the iconic droid? It’s not like Disney is done making Star Wars stuff. As we speak the second season of The Mandalorian is delighting audiences and critics alike over on Disney+, with additions like Baby Yoda bringing in new fans even as the show remains firmly rooted in the established Star Wars universe. Speaking to SYFY Wire, Daniels made clear that he’s down to voice the character again should the writers see fit. “I am waiting for the call,” he said. “So far my phone has been silent. [Showrunner] Dave Filoni, are you listening?”
"To be fair, Threepio has to be in the right time zone, he’s too big a character to leave in the back somewhere… and The Mandalorian is superb. The production values are just amazing. Quite rightly it’s garnered huge audiences…"
Of late, The Mandalorain has been bringing in more characters from the extended Star Wars mythology, including marshal Cobb Vanth (who appeared in a Star Wars novel) and Mandalorian warrior Bo-Katan Kryze, who was introduced on the show Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Threepio is an order of magnitude more famous than those characters, so bringing him in would require a really great idea, but Daniels believes in Dave Filoni. “I think it just does lack a certain spark or a certain glint there,” he teased. “And Threepio, Dave Filoni, could provide that. You have my number, call me.”
At this point, Daniels has accepted that he’ll be playing Threepio for the rest of his life. You can see him right now in the LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special on Disney+!
“I think possibly, if they’ll have me, I’m in it for life,” said the 74-year-old Daniels. “Actors don’t die… they fade away. We’ll see what happens. Everything is for grabs these days, but Threepio’s been a great companion all these years and I intend for that to go on.”
And he couldn’t help but add, “As long as people like Dave Filoni give me a call.” Dave, Daniels is sending some serious signals your way.
Personally, I would gladly welcome Anthony Daniels as C-3P0 into The Mandalorian. But a major role in the LEGO Star Wars Holiday special is the next best thing, I guess.
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