Paul Bettany teases WandaVision’s decades-long timeline

Elizabeth Olsen is Wanda Maximoff and Paul Bettany is Vision in Marvel Studios’ WANDAVISION, exclusively on Disney+.
Elizabeth Olsen is Wanda Maximoff and Paul Bettany is Vision in Marvel Studios’ WANDAVISION, exclusively on Disney+.

Paul Bettany gets into the very strange WandaVision timeline. Also, he clears up some misconceptions about Vision’s…anatomy, or lack thereof.

Marvel fans have gone an entire year without new content, but that will finally come to an end when WandaVision releases on January 15, on Disney+. The show, which follows Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) looks like one of Marvel’s wackier offerings. Although Vision died in Avengers: Infinity War, he’s somehow back and living with Wanda in a world based on classic sitcoms. Viewers who have read the House of M comics may have an inkling of what’s happening here, but for everyone else, WandaVision is going to be a wild ride.

What we do know is that WandaVision will play off of classic sitcoms to tell its story, something made more interesting by the fact that the series will be jumping from decade to decade.

Bettany spoke to Collider about WandaVision‘s timeline, which will be all over the place; there are a lot of sitcoms to reference, from old black-and-white ones like I Love Lucy to ’80s staples like Full House and beyond. “It’s ’50s, ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, ’90s, and all of it,” Bettany explained. “We end up in the MCU, in the real world.”

"I think it’s going to make you think about the MCU in a whole brand new way but I do think that it’s absolutely a part of that universe. As each episode unfolds, the audience will be able to peel back layer upon layer until this rather beautiful puzzle box written by Jac Schaeffer and directed by Matt Shakman and shot by [cinematographer] Jess Hall will be revealed to everybody and it will make sense."

While Bettany didn’t dive into the specifics of how Wanda and Vision’s story will impact the MCU, we do know that the Disney+ series will set up the Doctor Strange sequel currently slated for 2022. That’s another film that could be all kind of bonkers — the full title is Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness. If this is where the MCU is headed, we’re totally here for it.

Switching gears to a very different kind of interview, Josh Horowitz of Stir Crazy asked Bettany about Vision’s…anatomy. As an artificial creation, does he even have any? And might Disney break with tradition and show it to us on the show?

Bettany was perfectly game to talk about Vision’s tender areas: “There is no nudity, so to speak,” he said, shocking no one. “But – these questions – I think people can answer this question for themselves, in that Vision – whether he does or doesn’t [have genitalia] – can change his density. So, there’s that.”

That’s a little vague. Later, Horowitz was more direct, and asked what color Vision’s appendage would be, assuming it exists. “He’s purple!” Bettany replied.

Asked and answered.

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