The Mandalorian: 5 Easter Eggs you may have missed in “The Siege”

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Mythrol returns

This show sure does love its amphibious aliens, huh? Mythrol (Horatio Sanz) was introduced in “Chapter 1: The Mandalorian” and was the first bounty Mando collected on the show. We already knew he’d be back this season because he was featured in some of the trailers alongside Cara Dune and Greef Karga.

Last we saw Mythrol, he was frozen in carbonite after being caught poking around Mando’s Razor Crest. Now he’s paying off his debt by taking care of Greef Karga’s finances. Mythrol tags along with Mando and company to the Imperial base and acts as the comic relief for this chapter. His timid and anxious nature bounces off of the trio’s stoic and strong personalities really well.

One line did catch our attention, however. When Mythrol sees Mando again, a thin, blue mist is emitted from his neck. If you recall, in the first episode, he says to Mando, “…if you’ve never seen a fledgling Mythrol evacuate their thorax, you’re a lucky guy, trust me.” The blue alien was probably terrified to see the bounty hunter again, recalling their last encounter, and emitted the mist. Mythrol even makes a comment about being in carbonite and how that experience made it difficult for him to see out of his left eye; poor guy.

Mythrol was a hilarious highlight of the episode, and we hope to see more of him down the line.