Game of Thrones fans never got to see “Blood Moon,” HBO’s canceled prequel show set thousands of years in the past, and star Naomi Watts feels their pain.
Once upon a time, HBO was developing several Game of Thrones spinoff shows, each of them set years before the series we all came to know and love. One of them, a show tentatively known as Blood Moon, was to be set thousands of years before, long before the Targaryens came to Westeros, back when Casterly Rock was still held by the Casterlys, when the White Walkers invaded Westeros for the first time…
If any of that sounds cool to you, I’m sorry: it’s not happening. HBO did make a pilot with some impressive talent — including Naomi Watts and Miranda Richardson — but the network didn’t pick up the show to series. We have some details about what would have happened and a few images from the set, but that’s probably all we’ll ever see of Blood Moon.
#new 📸| Naomi Watts on the set of #GameOfThrones prequel "Bloodmoon"
— Naomi Watts Source (@nwattsource) July 14, 2019
(shared by kiaruzz91_ on Instagram)
Talking about her new movie Penguin Bloom with NME, Watts talked a bit about the show that got away. “I’m sorry,” she said to the fans in abstentia. “I feel your pain. I equally got into it. I wasn’t a huge fan and hadn’t seen the shows until I was hired and then completely binged everything within the space of a couple of months and it’s just wonderful. It’s a deep shame, it would have been great fun. But I am not allowed to give anything away I’m afraid.”
Eh, what’s the harm, though? You can’t spoil a show no one’s ever going to see. Go on, we promise we won’t tell anyone.
HBO did end up going forward with a different Game of Thrones prequel series: House of the Dragon, all about the Targaryen civil war that tore the realm apart a few hundred years before the original show began. Watts has the look and talent to play a Targaryen, so maybe she could get on that show instead.
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