The Mandalorian: 5 Easter Eggs you may have missed in “The Tragedy”

The Mandalorian chapter 14 - Disney Plus
The Mandalorian chapter 14 - Disney Plus /
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Blue butterflies

Before Grogu uses the seeing stone, he’s surrounded by several blue-winged butterflies. These butterflies have appeared in Star Wars before, mainly on the moon of Endor, and are primarily used as messengers. This could a little tongue-in-cheek reference to Grogu trying to send a message to other Force users in the galaxy…or it could offer a bit of foreshadowing.

In a recent episode of the cartoon series Star Wars Roll Out, which portrays characters as rolling balls, a young Ben Solo developed an interest in blue butterflies. Fans have speculated that the blue butterfly represents Ben’s turn to the Dark Side as Kylo Ren, his redemption, and his death.

Hopefully, Grogu won’t follow a similar path, but he did lash out at some Stormtroopers at the end of the episode. Last week, Ahsoka mentioned that Grogu’s attachment to Mando made him dangerous and more susceptible to the Dark Side, so maybe we’re seeing his first steps to becoming a more intimidating, and possible ill-intentioned, Force user.

That being said, this is all speculation, and the blue butterflies could just symbolize a message being delivered. Or they could just be colorful. We Star Wars fans can get carried away with our theories sometimes.