The Mandalorian: 5 Easter Eggs you may have missed in “The Tragedy”

The Mandalorian chapter 14 - Disney Plus
The Mandalorian chapter 14 - Disney Plus /
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Jango Fett

There were many references throughout the episode to Boba Fett’s father, Jango Fett, both of whom are played by Temuera Morrison. The bounty hunter from Attack of the Clones is responsible for the Old Republic’s clone army and raised a clone as a son, that clone being Boba.

After Mando retrieves Boba’s armor from Cobb Vanth in the season 2 premiere, Boba tracks him to Tython, confronting him and demanding the armor back. Boba says the armor belonged to his father, and now it’s his.

After Mace Windu killed Jango in Attack of the Clones, Boba held his father’s helmet in his hands. In the Clone Wars animated show, there’s a storyline where Boba tried to hunt down and kill Windu and avenge his father’s death. It’s safe to say Boba had a strong relationship with his father.

We even learn that Jango is Mandalorian! Like Mando, he was a foundling, and he served in the Mandalorian Civil Wars before finding a home on Kamino. It seems like this information is all Mando needed, because he lets Boba keep the armor. Jango’s status as a Mandalorian was always vague, but it’s nice to have it confirmed.

Boba’s line, “I’m a simple man making his way through the galaxy, like my father before me,” is a cute little nod to both Jango and Luke Skywalker. The first half of the quote is a direct reference to a line Jango said in Attack of the Clones, and the second half is reminiscent of Luke’s line, “I am a Jedi, like my father before me,” from Return of the Jedi.

Star Wars loves its familial connections, huh?