Star Trek: Discovery review, Episode 311: “Su’Kal”

"Su'Kal" -- Ep#311 -- Pictured: Sonequa Martin-Green as Commander Burnham of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS ©2020 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
"Su'Kal" -- Ep#311 -- Pictured: Sonequa Martin-Green as Commander Burnham of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS ©2020 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved. /

Star Trek: Discovery serves up a great holodeck-themed episode, complete with lots of action and major revelations! Also: human Saru.

It was only a matter of time before Star Trek: Discovery fans would discover what really caused the Burn, and it was bound to be the last thing anyone expected. We finally get that moment in “Su’Kal,” and it raises the stakes for the rest of the season.

The episode picks up right up after the final moments of “Terra Firma: Part 2,” where Grey returns to apologize to Adira for leaving and explains he was jealous of her. She understands and the two reconcile, which is good, because things are about to get crazy.

An analysis of the signal coming for the Veruban Nebula indicates there’s a lifeform aboard the ship. While this is confusing, Saru explains that the Kelpian seen in the distress message had marks on her forehead that indicated she was with child, and the offspring is most likely the source of the life sign.

“Su’Kal” — Ep#311 — Pictured: Doug Jones as Saru of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS ©2020 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

The Discovery warps to the Nebula and tracks the crashed ship to a planet, but the radiation is too much to handle. Book must board his vessel to get a lock on the survivor’s location. Afterward, Ensign Tilly learns that the planet is full of Dilithium, indicating it was definitely the source of the Burn.

They inform the Federation of their findings and get the go-ahead to help the survivor. But there’s a problem: Osyraa is attacking worlds that matter to Discovery crew members in order to flush out the ship. Needing to focus on the task at hand, Saru, Michael and Dr. Culber beam down to the crashed vessel, leaving Ensign Tilly in charge of the Discovery.

When they arrive, they discover they’re in some holodeck program on the ship, and their appearances have been changed, and their supplies — including badges, phasers, and tricorders — are all missing. They look like different alien versions of themselves, including a very human Saru.

“Su’Kal” — Ep#311 — Pictured: Mary Wiseman as Ensign Tilly of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS ©2020 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

After encountering some holograms and someone who they suspect is the surviving Kelpian offspring, they quickly realize they are in a simulation made to train and prepare the young survivor for the world outside. With so many years having passed, the entire thing has deteriorated, with some functions not working properly. For example, there’s some kind of monstrous beast on the loose that Michael only narrowly escapes.

Michael eventually locates the Kelpian and pretends to be a program to gain his trust but he runs away. Elsewhere, Culber and Saru find a Kelpian elder who is programmed to teach the young Kelpian about their species’ culture and history. His young man’s name, Su’Kal, symbolizes the end of suffering, and new beginnings.

“Su’Kal” — Ep#311 — Pictured: Sonequa Martin-Green as Commander Burnham of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS ©2020 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Su’Kal engages with the beast. Saru begins to sing a lullaby the elder programs taught him, which comforts the struggling Su’Kal and ends his struggle with the creature, but he runs off again.

They also learn that because of the radiation and amount of Dilithium Su’Kal was exposed to in utero, his cells have been altered, which somehow gave him the ability to cause the Burn. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough time to dive into this mystery, as things up on the Discovery have gotten rough.

In an attempt to retrieve the away team, Book boards his ship, hoping to pull them out without risking more damage to Discovery. Then Osyraa arrives on a massive ship, boards the Discovery, takes control of the bridge and subdues Stamets, meaning she essentially has control of the Spore Drive, giving the evil Emerald Chain leader what she needs to take out Federation headquarters once and for all.

Back on the planet, Burnham convinces Saru to stay behind and help Su’Kal. Culber also decides to stay, not wanting Saru to be alone in a strange place. Adira uses Jett Reno’s badge to beam onto Book’s ship before joining Saru and Culber on the planet with much-needed supplies. Afterward, Burnham boards Book’s ship, but they discover they are too late, as the Discovery and Osyraa’s warp away.

“Su’Kal” — Ep#311 — Pictured: Sonequa Martin-Green as Commander Burnham and David Ajala as Book of the CBS All Access series STAR TREK: DISCOVERY. Photo Cr: Michael Gibson/CBS ©2020 CBS Interactive, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

“Su’Kal” kicked the story back into high gear with a thought-provoking thrill ride, regaining the momentum lost when the show said goodbye to Michelle Yeoh’s Philippa Georgiou.

One of the most memorable parts of the episode is the rare appearance of Doug Jones (Saru) onscreen with no makeup. Seeing him as regular human showcases his ability to act without prosthetics or CGI.

“Su’Kal” is one of the franchise’s most intriguing holodeck-themed episodes, perhaps the best since “Crisis Point” on Star Trek: Lower Decks.

Just two episodes left! If the momentum continues to pick up, this season should leave Star Trek fans thoroughly satisfied.

Episode Grade: B+

dark. Next. Star Trek: Discovery review, Episode 301: “That Hope Is You, Part 1”

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