“Dreamfyre was once the dragon of Rhaena, crushed beneath the collapsing dome at the storming of the dragonpit.” pic.twitter.com/dlOu8iSRei
— GameofThrones Quotes (@ASOIAFQuotesGOT) August 3, 2020
In Game of Thrones, the dragons were more or less the same type of creature. While they were different colors and (probably) had a few small differences in personality, all three were large, scary, powerful beasts. One of the most exciting things about House of the Dragon is that it gives HBO an opportunity to bring to life a diverse array of dragon types described in the book.
Take Dreamfyre, a slender purple, she-dragon known for her grace and speed. She had two riders in her life, but during this time period she bonded to Queen Helaena Targaryen, the sister-wife of King Aegon. Dreamfyre tended to bond with young women who are full of spirit. Helaena first becomes a dragonrider at the young age of 11, but when her youngest son is brutally murdered in front of her, she slips into a dark depression and never flies again. As a result, Dreamfyre is chained in the Dragonpit the night that the Shepherd and his mob attack.
Dreamfyre was the only dragon to break free from their shackles and nearly flew away before being struck in the eye by a crossbow bolt. Blind and thrashing about in a rage, she crashed into the pit’s great dome, and most of the mob died in the fall of rubble.
“Arrax was young, but strong, killed with his rider by Vhagar above Shipbreaker Bay.” pic.twitter.com/Xyq2xmUZkj
— GameofThrones Quotes (@ASOIAFQuotesGOT) April 8, 2020
Before the death of Lucerys Velaryon, the Dance of the Dragons had only been fought with words and ravens. Lucerys traveled to Storm’s End to win the support of Lord Baratheon, but was met by his cousin Aemond one-eye, who rode the fearsome dragon Vhagar. Lucerys was on Arrax, a dragon that would never live to see their full potential.
Meeting high above the castle amidst a tumultuous thunderstorm, Arrax was no match for the older and larger Vhagar, and had his head torn entirely from his body before plunging into the seas below. Arrax and his Lucerys become the first casualties of the Dance. This is the first dragon-vs-dragon battle we’re likely to see on House of the Dragon, but it won’t be the last.