The dragon grey ghost. A rare dragon never ridden by man. He was named by dragonstones small folk.
— Targaryen Dynasty (@_DragonSpawn) May 14, 2014
Grey Ghost
Grey Ghost was one of only two dragons to never be claimed, mainly because the pale-white misty dragon couldn’t be found during the Sowing of the Seeds; their elusive nature was how he earned the name Grey Ghost. As such, his battle abilities are pretty much unknown.
Grey Ghost lived their entire life in a smoking vent at the top of the Dragonmont, a volcano on Dragonstone. When Sunfyre returned to Dragonstone partway through the war, they killed and devoured Grey Ghost for reasons unknown, or nonexistent. The people of the castle found his carcass, which alerted Aegon II that his dragon was back.
Based of this, we can discern that Grey Ghost was not as formidable a fighter as some of the other dragons that took part in the Dance. But they will always be noted for never having been broken by a dragonseed, a claim only one other dragon in this period can make.
“The Red Queen, she was called, for the scarlet scales that covered her. Her wings were pink, her crest, horns, and claws bright as copper.”
— GameofThrones Quotes (@ASOIAFQuotesGOT) March 1, 2018
Archmaester Gyldayn describing Meleys
Meleys the Red Queen
Meleys is a scarlett she-dragon whose copper scales, horns, and claws earned her the nickname the Red Queen. Once believed to be the fastest dragon in the skies, Meleys was no stranger to battle at the start of the Dance, and was not to be underestimated even if she was getting on in years.
Meleys was the mount of Rhaenys Targaryen, the wife of Corlys Velaryon and daughter of King Jaeherys. Rhaenys was commonly referred to as “The Queen who Never Was” due to her being passed up as her father’s successor on the basis of her sex. The precedent of passing over the eldest child in favor of the oldest male claimant is the centerpiece of Aegon Targaryen’s claim to the Iron Throne, since his half-sister Rhaenyra Targaryen is older than him.
The Rhaenys that we are likely to meet in House of the Dragon is an old, fearsome, proud and capable warrior prepared to give her life for their cause. When her castle comes under siege, Rhaenys unleashes her flurry on the armies below. Meleys was a terror to the fleeing soldiers whose arrows and spears did nothing but anger the great she-dragon. She challenged two healthy, full-grown dragons and nearly defeated them both. It took the combined power of both Sunfyre and Vhagar to bring her down in the end.
Meleys was the first fully grown dragon to be killed in the conflict. Aegon displayed her severed head to strike fear into the hearts of the people and his enemies alike.
sheepstealer is the best dragon and criminally underrated happy #targaryenmonth !! 🐉
— Mollie (@BairdsBallad) November 4, 2020
The third dragon to be conquered at the Sowing of the Seeds was a mud-brown mutton lover known as Sheepstealer. Of the four dragons who were claimed, Sheepstealer was the only one who had no previous rider. He killed more men during the Sowing than all the other dragons combined, despite only ever harming sheep before.
Sheepstealer was tamed by a young girl of questionable birth known only as Nettles. Nettles left a sheep at the entrance to the dragon’s lair every morning until Sheepstealer became accustomed to her and accepted the young girl as a rider. Sheepstealer and Nettles took part in the battle of the Gullet as well as Rhaenyra’s capture of Kings Landing. Instead of following the other dragonseeds to Tumbleton, Nettles and Sheepstealer accompanied Daemon and Caraxes to Harrenhall to look for Aemond and the great dragon Vhagar, who had been terrorizing the Riverlands relentlessly since the fall of Kings :anding and had become the greatest threat to Rhaenyra’s crown.
In her anger and paranoia after the Tumbleton treasons, Rhaenyra named Nettles a traitor and called for her head. Daemon and Nettles became involved during their mission, and when Rhaenyra demanded that her husband kill her and return to King’s Landing, he refused. Instead, he orchestrated Nettles and Sheepstealer’s escape and met Aemond alone above the Gods Eye lake.
Meanwhile, Sheepstealer fled with her rider into the Mountains of the Moon. No one knows what became of mount and rider, although later there were rumors of a fire witch who dwelled in a cave and was worshipped by a savage mountain clan. Could it have been Nettles?