4 things we want to see in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier

Image: Disney/The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
Image: Disney/The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
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Develop Sam and Bucky’s characters and friendship

Piggybacking off the last point, this series should explore its main characters and give them more depth. This point might be redundant since a show named The Falcon and the Winter Soldier will obviously focus on the Falcon and the Winter Soldier, but there’s still so much we can learn about them. With Steve Rogers no longer around, it’s their time to shine.

The duo had their moments in the Captain America and Avengers films, but they were regularly used for comedic relief. The trailer confirms the show will continue that, what with them having a staring contest when they’re in a counseling session. We’ll take a juvenile rivalry/friendship to start, but so much more could be done with their dynamic.

Sam and Bucky were both victims of Thanos’ snap. We definitely need a scene where they talk about their experiences and perhaps even bond over them. That could also give us another perspective of the snap, much like what WandaVision gave us by bringing in Monica Rambeau. The duo could also grow closer as they share stories about Steve.

The show could even explore their lives outside of being superheroes. We see the pair training with the shield in a secluded area reminiscent of the Barton family homestead. Is this Sam’s family home? What about Bucky’s family? In The Winter Soldier, the Captain America Smithsonian exhibit said that Bucky was the eldest sibling of four. Are those siblings still alive? If not, did they have any children that Bucky could reconnect with? This would echo Steve’s story with Peggy and Sharon Carter in The Winter Soldier and Civil War.

We cannot wait to see what the show does with these two beloved characters. They deserve to be fleshed out, and their relationship should be the main focus of the series.