WandaVision showrunner dismisses notion that White Vision is a “Marvel cheat”

Image: WandaVision/Disney+
Image: WandaVision/Disney+ /

Marvel fans may have had differing reactions to the WandaVision finale after it dropped on Disney+ last week, but one thing is certain: The show’s final episode got people talking. That’s because it answered some of the series’ biggest questions while also pointing to what will happen to Wanda and Vision as they venture out into the wider Marvel Cinematic Universe.

That Vision has a future in the MCU at all is a bit surprising, because so much of the show was about Wanda dealing with his death. The Vision that Wanda was living with during the series was borne from her immense grief, but it ends up that the government actually revived Vision’s original body as a new being who acted according to strict programming: White Vision. But after Wanda’s Vision unlocks all of White Vision’s memories, White Vision flies off to…well, that’s the question.

Some fans may wonder if White Vision is just a cheap way to bring back a dead character, but WandaVision showrunner Jac Schaeffer pushed back against that notion when speaking with Cinemablend. “That’s not the man that [Wanda] had children with,” she said. “That’s not the one who’s been in the sitcom world with him. That’s not the one that she said goodbye to on a hill in Wakanda. That’s the body and the data. So for the purposes of me and my job on the show, and what I focus on, where he ends up is an afterthought to the story proper.”

"Vision’s whole thing is identity; his whole thing is, ‘I was a voice and then I was a body. And now I’m a memory.’ There’s a constant sort of self-analysis of ‘What am I?’ So to me it doesn’t feel like a Marvel cheat of like, ‘Now there’s another one out there.’ It actually feels very, very right."

That’s a fair point, particularly given where Vision’s journey started. And it’s not like the idea of Vision existing outside of the Infinity Stone he was created with has never been floated before.

What will happen to White Vision after the WandaVision finale?

It’ll be interesting to see how White Vision factors into the MCU going forward, and how he gets along (or doesn’t get along) with the rest of the Avengers, especially Wanda, with whom he’s barely interacted so far.

There’s no word on when we might see White Vision again, but there are lots of new Marvel movies and TV shows premiering this year, so perhaps we won’t have to wait long to find out.

Next. How WandaVision let Wanda off the hook. dark

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