Check out these 20 terrific Lord of the Rings tattoos

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"Gimli-sama from lotr"

This appears to be Gimli the drawf as…a samurai warrior? I wouldn’t fight him.

Moving on, this fan thought a little outside the box and got a Lord of the Rings sword that wasn’t Narsil, but rather Sting, the sword Bilbo Babbins uses in The Hobbit and passes down to Frodo:

"Something I’ve been waiting a long time for. My new sting tattoo from lotr"

I’ve always loved the image of the Fellowship of the Ring in silhouette heading out on their journey in a single-file line. This fan does too:

"My first tattoo from lotr"

Even better if you can combine that with the White Tree and Narsil. This tattoo is multi-tasking:

Image: u/GamesGamic
Image: u/GamesGamic /

Add Sauron somewhere in there and you have the whole suite.