Ricky Whittle: American Gods season 3 finale will make fans “angry”

American Gods Season 3 -- Courtesy of Jasper Savage/STARZ
American Gods Season 3 -- Courtesy of Jasper Savage/STARZ /

American Gods is all set to air its season 3 finale this Sunday, and it’s safe to say a lot is at stake. American Gods really improved this year, helping fans get over the turbulent second season. I don’t remember the last time I genuinely cared about secondary characters on American Gods, but season 3 really turned that around for me.

Given how last week’s episode ended, the season 3 finale has a lot of ground to cover, and more importantly, it has a lot of explaining to do regarding Shadow’s (Ricky Whittle) future as a human…or God?

Ricky Whittle himself gave us some hints in a recent interview with Digital Spy. “For me, it really does culminate in the most epic season finale,” he said. “It’s just going to leave fans wanting more because we want more.”

"When I read the season finale, I just texted [showrunner Charles Eglee] and the writers, ‘Wow.’ It blew my mind. I can’t spoil it. I don’t want to spoil it. It’s nuts. But I think fans will be angry because it’s so great, and it’s that cliché of: it’s just going to leave them wanting more, because it’s such an upsetting way to end a story, when you can’t turn that page."

Hopefully he means we’ll be good angry and not after-Game-of-Thrones-season-8 angry!

What can we expect from the American Gods season 3 finale?

With the death (we think?) of Odin/Mr. Wednesday (Ian McShane), Shadow’s life is about to change in a big way. Throughout the series, we’ve always wondered if Shadow is a God himself, or just a human imbued with abilities he chooses not to use. It’s been a whirlwind journey to get to the core of who he is, but based on the promo for the finale, I think we may finally be getting our answer.

The way Whittle talks, the show may even go beyond the end of Neil Gaiman’s book. “You get to the end of the book, and you’re like, ‘Oh, come on!’ It’s Empire Strikes Back when it’s like, ‘You can’t…! When is Return of the Jedi? When is it?’ It’s that moment. It’s truly written so well. It’s a true return to form, and I’m so proud of this season. I feel that this is the strongest season yet.”

The American Gods season 3 finale, “Tears of the Wrath-Bearing Tree,” airs this Sunday on Starz!

Next. American Gods review, Episode 309: “The Lake Effect”. dark

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