25 greatest duos in Game of Thrones history

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Game of Thrones
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /

14. Daenerys Lannister and Missandei

What happened to the duo: This friendship ended in a devastating way. Missandei followed Daenerys to the end, but she ended up being captured by Cersei Lannister. In the end, Cersei had Missandei executed. Missandei shouted “Dracarys!” before being killed, making it clear what she wanted Dany to do to this city. And Dany obliged.

Why they were so great: The two met when Dany arrived at Astapor with the intention of buying the Unsullied. After all, she needed an army to go up against the Lannisters in King’s Landing. Missandei became Dany’s interpreter, but that soon turned into more of a friendship.

Missandei was impressed that Dany spoke Valyrian. She was impressed with the way Dany handled herself around the vulgar Kraznys mo Nakloz, and with how she led her army. Missandei became a loyal follower, but it was the friendship that developed between the two was what made this duo really special. Yes, Missandei was Dany’s handmaiden and spokesperson, but she was also someone Dany felt she could trust. There was a softness between them.

Dany was in mourning after she lost her friend. There was no one else with who Dany had been that close except for Drogo, making this one of Dany’s best relationships on the series.