25 greatest duos in Game of Thrones history

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
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Game of Thrones
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /

10. Brienne and Pod

What happened to the duo: Brienne and Pod made it to the end of the show with their friendship intact. After the Battle of King’s Landing, Brienne joined King Bran’s Kingsguard as its Lord Commander, with Pod as one of her Kingsguard knights. They’re coworkers for life.

Why they were so great: There are some friendships that you never see coming. Brienne and Pod’s was one of them.

Brienne wasn’t one for friends. Not really. As a woman who wanted to be a knight, she got a lot of ridicule and learned to guard herself. However, Pod was nothing like the men she had come across before. In fact, Pod looked up to Brienne and respected her.

The only reason the two ended up together was because Pod was in danger and Jaime wanted to uphold a promise to Tyrion to protect him. Pod became Brienne’s squire. She was frustrated at first, but she realized that Pod had a good heart and an eager spirit. It took some time, but the two formed a bond that couldn’t be broken. They weren’t just knight and squire, but also friends and confidants. It’s a bond that’s worth watching develop on Game of Thrones.