5 shows we want to see in the Avatar: The Last Airbender universe

Image: Avatar: The Last Airbender/Nickelodeon
Image: Avatar: The Last Airbender/Nickelodeon /
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Avatar: A Tale from Ba Sing Se

Fire. Air. Water. Earth.

Before Aang, there was Avatar Roku, a firebender. After Aang, there was Avatar Korra, a waterbender. After Korra, an earthbender will take up the mantle, and we want to see their story.

The Earth Kingdom went through a lot during The Legend of Korra. After the assassination of the Earth Queen, the kingdom fell into anarchy until Kuvira tried to unify it by force. She was ultimately stopped by Korra and the monarchy restored.

However, the final episode saw Prince Wu dissolve the Earth Kingdom’s monarchy instead of becoming king. It was decided that independent states would elect leaders, as the United Republic did. According to the graphic novel Ruins of the Empire, the plan was to gradually democratize the kingdom, but Earth Empire loyalist exploited elections, forcing Wu to serve as king until all states were ready.

It’s into this environment that the new, earthbending Avatar would be born. A modernized Ba Sing Se would be the perfect place to set a new series, since it’s been a fan-favorite location since the days of the original show. A young earthbending protagonist is just the thing to make fans see it with fresh eyes.