The 12 best roles Game of Thrones stars got after the show
Tom Hopper (Dickon Tarly) as Luther Hargreeves in The Umbrella Academy
Hopper captured the hearts of Game of Thrones fans in season 7 as the young brave Dickon Tarly, who was executed by dragonfire after the Loot Train Attack. He’d already had an eventful career before that, and it just got better after.
Hopper’s biggest and best role so far is as Luther Hargreeves, aka Number One, in Netflix’s superhero series The Umbrella Academy, based on the comic books by Gerard Way. Physically, Luther is the strongest of the dysfunctional Hargreeves siblings, but also has to deal with a lot of self-doubt. Hopper is great at plumbing the depths of this character, always finding great moments of comedy and pain.
Alfie Allen (Theon Greyjoy) as Finkel in Jojo Rabbit
While most of the roles on this list are from blockbuster mega-movies, Allen earns his spot for a brilliant comedic turn in Jojo Rabbit, Taika Waititi’s Oscar-winning movie about a young boy growing up in Nazi Germany.
Allen is deliciously silly and fiendish as Finkel, a Nazi officer charged with training new recruits. While he hasn’t booked the kinds of huge roles that some of the other actors on this list have, movies like this prove that Allen has the talent to go as far as he wants in this business.