Following the conclusion of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Marvel fans have been digging deep trying to uncover various secrets and tidbits. One theory proposed by New Rockstars on YouTube suggests that the writing team had to quickly erase a pandemic subplot thanks to the real-life COVID-19 pandemic. As New Rockstars points out, some scenes make it look like dialogue was replaced and reshaped to alter the storyline. This could also help explain the motivations of villain Karli Morgenthau.
However convincing you find that, members of the cast and crew have debunked the theory. Firstly, Danny Ramirez (Joaquin Torres) simply told TVLine he “hadn’t heard” of the mysterious pandemic storyline. And director Kari Skogland put it pretty succinctly to Collider: “No. Yeah, you can debunk that.”
"We had discovered that we really wanted to know Karli a bit more. So I think we added a scene between her and Dovich, where they got to just talk about what it was like to take the serum. I wanted to feel them and their history just a little bit and get a bit more inside how they were thinking and feeling in that moment. So it was small things like that where we were able to kind of sharpen our pencil. But in terms of the big themes that we were already talking about, we were absolutely just on the same track."
Okay, that’s one theory down. But there are others out there!
No, Bucky Barnes didn’t confirm he was bisexual
Another theory doing the rounds suggests that Bucky revealed he’s bisexual and one point in the show. This theory arose based on the early episode where Bucky goes on a date and moans about the “tiger photos” he frequently sees on dating websites. As The Bald Italic explains, it’s mostly men participating in the tiger photo phenomenon, which some fans took to mean that Bucky was bisexual.
According to Skogland, we shouldn’t read too much into this. “I think we just thought of it as an oddity of the times, because he’s so confused by it,” she told Variety. “Because don’t forget, he’s 106 years old. So he’s just confused by the whole thing.”
I’m certain we’ll see many more theories pop up over the next couple of weeks. And when Loki premieres in June…
All six episodes of The Falcon and the Winter Soldier are now available for streaming on Disney+!
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