Ranking all 11 sample chapters from The Winds of Winter

Image: Game of Thrones/HBO
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /
6 of 11
Game of Thrones
Image: Game of Thrones/HBO /

6. “Arianne I”

This chapter follows Arianne Martell as she travels towards Ghost Hill, the seat of House Toland in Dorne. With her go her new companions, including her new sworn sword Daemon Sand and her bastard cousin Elia Sand. The Sandsnakes seem to have a larger role to play in the upcoming book than they did in A Dance with Dragons. Oberyn’s widow Ellaria Sand has retreated from Sunspear, while her daughters Dorea Sand and Obella Sand are in hiding. The Sand Snakes have scattered “as to better to survive the coming carnage.”

Along the way, readers learn Jon Connington sent a letter to Prince Doran Martell, informing him that Aegon Targaryen, Elia Martell’s son by Rhaegar Targaryen, is still alive, and asking for Dorne’s help. But Arianne knows Prince Doran has his doubts. He still expects Quentyn Martell to return to Westeros with a different dragon, Daenerys. Two Dornish armies have amassed, and “one word from Arianne will make them march.”

Once they reach Ghost Hill, Arianne learns a great deal of information about the new Aegon and his conquest. The Golden Company has taken Griffin’s Roost, Rain House, Crow’s Nest, Mistwood, and Greenstone, and there are rumors about Tarth, Cape Wrath and half the Stepstones falling to them as well.

An interesting note: Lady Nymella Toland’s youngest daughter Teora has dreamt of dragons, and “everywhere the dragons danced, people died.” In ASOIAF, dreamers are very prophetic, so we would do well to heed this.

The chapters ends as Arianne wonders if Daenerys is truly the Mad King’s daughter. If she were not, why would she allow Viserys to be killed by her own husband, Khal Drogo? “We cannot know,” Ser Daemon says. “We can only hope.’