Does Loki have a love interest?

Loki (Tom Hiddleston) in Marvel Studios' LOKI exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Chuck Zlotnick. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Loki (Tom Hiddleston) in Marvel Studios' LOKI exclusively on Disney+. Photo by Chuck Zlotnick. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.

Now that Marvel’s Loki series has arrived on Disney+, you might be wondering whether the Trickster God has a love interest…besides himself, of course. With the recent confirmation of Loki’s gender identity, the question is a more interesting than ever before.

Thus far, there is no love interest in the picture for Loki, but now that it has been confirmed that he identifies as gender fluid, the possibilities are endless. In his current male form, he could take on a male or female love interest, or a non-binary love interest. The same applies if he takes on a different form.

Loki doesn’t have a love interest, for now

With Loki now outside the “sacred timeline,” anything can happen. Marvel essentially set this show up so that Tom Hiddleston could continue in the role for several seasons, or he could pass the torch to another actor — male or female — and the story can keep going.

After the series premiere, the show could go in any number of directions. Now that Loki is in the custody of the Time Variance Authority, and now that he knows he dies in the future, he has nowhere to go. He might as well stick around and help Agent Mobius (Owen Wilson) hunt down this rogue variant of himself.

In fact, it’s entirely possible that over time Loki develops an emotional attachment to Mobius because he saved his life. If not for his intervention, Loki would have been reset. And now we know that being “reset” means being ended or sent into some kind of oblivion.

Expect Loki’s story to move quickly. The pilot episode was packed full of information, but it sets up a lot to come for the God of Mischief; there could even be love in his future.

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