Behold these 20 amazing The Wheel of Time tattoos

ByDaniel Roman|
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"How many of you know all of the references? from WoT"

This tattoo has a few different elements to break down. First we’ve got the ruby-hilted dagger that Mat finds in the ruins of Shadar Logoth, with a trolloc skull imposed over it. The words that encircle the blade are part of an old song called “The Color of Trust,” which surfaces during one of Mat’s memory flashes.

Here’s another cool take on the ruby-hilted dagger. This time, it’s the wheel of time and eternal serpent symbol itself that the dagger is plunging through, as well as a parchment bearing the classic opening phrase, some variation of which appears at the beginning of every Wheel of Time book:

"The Wheel of Time turns, and ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again."
"My new Wheel of Time inspired Tattoo. from WoT"

The snake-devouring-its-tail symbol seen throughout the Wheel of Time is “so old it predates the wheel itself,” but it also has a very real counterpart in our world: the ouroboros, a symbol that dates all the way back to ancient Egypt. The ouroboros is a representation of the eternal nature of time, which just makes what this fan did even cooler. They took their own inspiration from The Wheel of Time  and combined it with a clock to make the stunning original artwork above.

Then there’s this take, which combines the Wheel of Time‘s ouroboros imagery with the legend of Sisyphus, the Greek king of Corinth who was condemned to forever roll a boulder up a hill in Hades after annoying Zeus too much with his trickery:

"Thought this tattoo might have some crossover appeal here. from WoT"

Good thing for Zeus he never met Matrim Cauthon, trickiest of them all.