Behold these 20 amazing The Wheel of Time tattoos

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"My Wheel of Time Aiel clan chief inspired red dragon tattoo from nerdtattoos"

This tattoo was inspired by Rand al’Thor’s very own ink! In Aiel culture, potential chieftains have to travel into the mysterious city Rhuidean to test themselves. If they return, it’s with an iridescent dragon tattooed on their forearm, a symbol that they are fit to lead, bestowed upon them by the mysterious ruin.

Let’s just hope this fan isn’t planning to get a second one, which would be akin to claiming themselves the chief-of-chiefs. If there’s one thing every Aiel knows, it’s that you don’t mess with the Car’a’carn. (Just ask Couladin.)

"Wife wanted a new tattoo and I joined her from WoT"

Here we’ve got the heron mark, which is the symbol of a blademaster. Whether this fan had to win any duels to earn it, we don’t know.

"Finished the series earlier this year and celebrate with a tattoo today! from WoT"

Sticking with the theme of heron-marked blades, here we have one set through the center of the classic Wheel of Time logo.

"New journey! Starting my first wheel of time inspired sleeve. First session done second session for filler to come soon! from WoT"

A journey is beginning with this tattoo. This fan said they have plans to add more to this piece, but it’s already looking amazing. A depiction of a dragon, alluding to Rand, looms over the wheel of time. The yin-yang style symbol of the Aes Sedai hangs at the wheel’s bottom.